Throughout the Winter and early Spring 2019, Backhaul Alaska staff have been sending out packing supplies to Pilot 1 villages – tailored to each community’s inventory and transportation logistics. On-site training and facility inspections are carried out at each pilot community prior to the backhaul event. Communities are evaluated for adequacy in the following areas: Supplies and PPE, Facility Conditions, Staff Competence, and Packaging status. Packing, labeling, and loading protocols are reviewed and checklists for inventory, safety gear, appropriate signage, and recordkeeping are signed off. When needed, staff receive individualized training to gain sufficient skills. Once a community passes this inspection, they are scheduled for backhaul. The first site inspections were carried out in May for Chefornak, New Stuyahok, Koliganek, and Ekwok. The initial site inspections serve a dual purpose because they provide an opportunity to train the Regional Coordinator. By using a train-the-trainer approach in each region builds consistency and conformity throughout the system.